zaterdag 25 januari 2020

Unleashed! Chapter Two


The truck stopped right in front of the old building where the boy wanted to go. The evening was starting to fall and the light of the moon gave it an even eerier look.
“This has to be it,” Tommy told the boy.
“Looks just like in the articles I read,” the boy said.
“Fucking creepy looking place,” Tommy thought.
“You think?”
“Well, don’t you? Oh shit, sorry… Never mind,” Tommy said, blushing.
“It’s okay. Thanks a lot for the ride.”
“Yeah, sure. It’s been interesting meeting you, dude. Be careful,” Tommy said.
“No worries,” the boy said and left the truck.
The truck drove off, the boy giving a wave before he walked to the Kingsbury building. He took a walk around the house, taking it all in and looking for a logical way in. He noticed there was an open window. To be sure though, he tried to go for the easy way in and just tried the door. It was locked. He figured he’d be able to pick the old lock easily enough. He’d picked up some lock-picking skills as for some time he’d figured maybe doing some breaking and entering would be scary. Unfortunately the idea of getting caught and entering strange houses without any idea what was behind the doors whose locks he picked didn’t do anything to him. After inspecting the look he decided to go in through the window.
He walked over to the window, standing on tiptoes, jumping to reach it. He couldn’t quite make it though. For a minute he thought about going back to the door. Then he noticed the tree that was pretty close to the house. That might be just what he needed to get closer to the window.
With ease he climbed the tree, not minding the gusts of wind that shook its branches while he climbed his way up. When he was high enough he climbed to the end of a branch. He gripped it tight, swinging from it, thrusting his legs forward and back until he was sure enough he had the momentum he needed and then just catapulted himself to the window.
He covered his face with his crossed arms as he went through it. He landed inside the house, rolled on the floor and got up again. He had a look at the room. It looked like it had just been abandoned, instead of decades ago. This had to be the bedroom of the children, as there were two beds that had porcelain dolls and stuffed animals on them. He picked up one of the dolls and stared in its glass eyes. He knew those kind of dolls gave some people the creeps. One of those fears he had never understood. Why fear a lifeless toy? He threw it back on the bed and walked around the room. He still had enough light from outside, coming through to navigate around it.
He wondered about how hard it must have been for the kids to have lost their father at a young age. While he did not fear the death of his parents and had left them without much trouble to go on his search for fear he did love them and didn’t want anything bad to happen to them. The owner of this place, writer Bryan Kingsbury had taken his own life when they were just ten and seven. The boy had read all about Kingsbury’s life. In fact, he’d read all of Kingsbury’s books. The subject of his books had fascinated him as they were all full of stories of cosmic horrors. Although fascinating reading it had never given him goosebumps. Some people thought Kingsbury’s own work had made him insane, thus prompting him to blow out his brains with a shotgun in his study. The urban legend had it Kingsbury’s ghost still haunted this building. The legend had been strong enough for the house to be left unsold ever since his death, more than forty years ago. There had been some tries to get it sold, at very low prices. Each time potential buyers had felt so ill at ease in the place they refrained from it. The boy had read stories that people swore they could actually feel the cold presence of death and its stink in the abandoned old building. So far the boy could neither, though.
He walked out of the children’s room and ended up in a hallway. He thought about going through the rooms there but decided it would perhaps be more logical to start at the beginning, downstairs. He walked down the stairs, being careful not to make a misstep as the light outside was fading. He wasn’t afraid of falling, but he wasn’t stupid either.
The stairs took him to the very large living room. There was a huge couch, some tables, a fireplace and a red plush carpet. The wall was decorated with a boar’s head, two crossed swords and some paintings. One was of Bryan Kingsbury himself. The boy walked closer to it so he could inspect it. On the painting Kingsbury was wearing some kind of fancy suit with a pocket watch on a chain. Kingsbury was a gaunt man with a bush black beard and piercing eyes. He exuded pain and darkness like his stories did.
The boy walked to the adjacent door and found himself in the kitchen. He opened some of the cabinets, discovering there were still pots and pans in them. He sat down on the kitchen counter, just taking it all in. Trying to feel something that could be seen as dread or fear. He felt neither, so he jumped off and walked back to the living room. There was another door there which he opened and walked through.
He found himself standing in the study. The exact place where Bryan Kingsbury had taken his own life. It had gotten darker outside, so the light from the window was hardly sufficient to look around. The boy took out his phone and used the flashlight app from it to guide his way through the room. There was a huge library full of books with subjects like the occult, mythology and the like. It was clear where Kingsbury had gotten his inspiration from.
There was the desk where not only Kingsbury had written those dark and horrific books of otherworldly horror but had also sat when he’d pulled the trigger of the shotgun that had ended his life. The boy sat down in the chair where Kingsbury had been in. He closed his eyes. He imagined his finger around the trigger, the gun between his legs. Pictured the cold steel of a shotgun against his chin. Had Kingsbury feared the appending death that the gun promised him? In his mind’s eye he saw the splattering of Kingsbury’s brain matter across as the shotgun blast destroyed his cranium with a loud BANG!
What was that sound? Was that coming from upstairs? Was he just imagining things? Was this maybe the effect fear had on a normal human being? Then there was another banging sound coming from upstairs. He got excited. Cool! Was he really about to see some kind of ghost perhaps. He jumped up from the chair and ran to the living room, up the stairs as fast as he could.

woensdag 8 januari 2020

Unleashed! Chapter One


The wind whipped his longish hair around his face. The bridge was empty except for himself. The boy looked down. It was a long, long way down. He turned his head to the young man next to him. Tommy was an athletic guy with spikey hair and a Thrasher T-shirt. He was also the one who tied the bungee rope around his ankle.
“You ready, pal?” Tommy asked.
The boy gave that some thought. He was hoping to feel something akin to fear, staring in the depth from that bridge. Still, he felt nothing of the sort. In his sixteen years on the planet he’d never really known the feeling of fear. That’s why he’d come here. In fact, that was the reason that for the last few months he’d been traveling across the country, looking for the feeling of fear.
“I guess,” the boy said.
“Then jump!” Tommy told him.
The boy took a leap, arms stretched wide without any hesitation. For a moment he felt like he was flying. That felt pretty good, not scary. Just good, free. Then he dropped down, wind rushing past his face. Tommy had warned him there might be a bit too much wind, but the boy had insisted he wanted to do the jump anyway. He saw the ground heading his way, he knew that for not to die, the rope tied to his ankle harness had to be the correct length, the ankle harness had to be fit around his ankles perfectly, the rope had to be sturdy enough. He wasn’t blind to those facts. He just didn’t feel any fear.
Then there was a powerful tug on his ankles, as the rope was stretched taut. He grunted, the tug somewhat painful. The fall had stopped. He was now just swinging by his ankles in the wind.
“Whoo-heeeeee! That was quite some jump!” he heard Tommy yell above him.
Hanging there in the air the boy felt disappointed. He had so hoped to feel some kind of fear. But no, he was still the boy without fear.
Some time later the boy was having a Cherry Coke at a gas station near the bridge. He was sitting on top of the hood of Tommy’s pick-up truck. With a big, flashy font the door of the truck said Tommy Swan, Extreme Sports. Tommy was drinking a Red Bull.
“I’ve never seen anyone jump down with such wild abandon before,” Tommy said. “And shit, I’ve seen some reckless adrenaline junkies.”
“I told you, I don’t feel fear,” the boy said.
“How can that be? Everybody feels fear, right? I mean, maybe for different things, but still…”
The boy shrugged. “I don’t.”
“Okay, obviously you’re not afraid of heights. But maybe, I don’t know…  Maybe you fear snakes? Or spiders?”
“I had a bunch of tarantulas crawling over me. Went into a snake-pit. Nothing.”
“That’s wild, dude! Pretty awesome.”
“It’s not. I feel… Incomplete. Not human. I’ve read up a lot about the subject of fear. How it rules many people’s life. Fear is something that also makes life worth living, you know? The fear of losing someone makes you also aware you love them. The fear of death makes you live your life to the fullest every day. I miss those feelings. Ever since I can remember.”
“Shit, is that some kind of medical condition or something? You ever go to a doctor or shrink with that?”
“Doctors, shrinks, all kinds of smart people. They haven’t ever encountered someone like me. Through the years I tried to feel fear by reading horror novels, watching hundreds of horror movies. Nothing. I decided to leave home, go off an some kind of adventure, you know. Alone traveling around this big country… That should be a bit scary right? It’s not. Not to me. And I’m afraid that bungee-jumping didn’t make me feel any fear either.”
Tommy scratched his head. “I guess I can imagine that maybe feeling no fear isn’t as great as you might think. So, what are you up to now?”
“I’d appreciate it if you could give me a ride to a town called Arkham’s Lot. Ever heard of it?”
“I think so. Small town, not much going on.”
“Right. It also has a very haunted house.”
“A haunted house? Like I don’t know, the one in Disneyland?”
“If the stories are true it’s nothing like Disneyland,” the boy said after a sip of Cherry Coke.
“More like The Amityville Horror then?” Tommy asked.
The boy smiled. “Yeah, something like that.”
“It’s quite a drive. But I’m sure you have some interesting stories to tell me along the way. I don’t have any customers the rest of the day, so I guess I can take you.”
The boy jumped off the hood. “That’s awesome! What are we waiting for? Let’s ride!”

The Art of Nightmares - Chapter Two

  TWO   The boy at the door looked even younger than Beth had expected him to be from his e-mail. He was quite wordy for his age. He cou...